Sunday, July 26, 2020

Top 30 Global Corporate Career Sites Mobile for Recruiting Hiring - Workology

Top 30 Global Corporate Career Sites Mobile for Recruiting Hiring Online Career Sites Drive Employment Branding Seventy-four percent of job seekers visit career sites and view them as the most important source of hiring and job information and yet a number of careers pages remain clunky, bulky and difficult to navigate. Its a great time for a recruiting team to focus on employment branding specifically when it comes to their career site because they can set the standard and develop an obvious competitive advantage. Online Career Sites Drive Employment Branding Last week we had the exclusive on the top 3o career sites according to the research and analyst firm PotentialPark as part of their Online Talent Management Awards.  Being that the company careers page and hiring process is visual, we felt like a bulleted list (which you can also see below) just isnt enough.  The hiring process is visual as candidates make quick snap judgements on where and when when it comes to applying online.  Companies that consider these touch points when engaging the candidate take into the account important components that aid in candidate selection: information available about the company, transparency when it comes to culture as well as the hiring process, online  activities  including social media and their presence both online and offline. Personally, I like United Healthcares site as it gets my attention. Another page may resonate with you for a completely different reason. When it comes to career pages, here are the trends we are seeing in the marketplace. (click here to view  PotentiaParks 2013 report) Only 16% of the 694 career pages  incorporated  mobile into their career page. Mobile is still a new territory and with multi-screen sharing becoming an important part of consumer marketing, expert companies to consider this in building their recruitment strategies going forward. 61% of job seekers expert employers to be on Facebook.  While Facebook doesnt yet fully offer a robust search even with their social graph, job seekers are using Facebook to connect, research, and engage.  The expectation is that employers should also be on Email remains as powerful engagement tool.  Last years findings found that 69% of job seekers like to apply for a job with email.  Proving that engaging candidates on many channels focusing on what I call touch points is essential to continued engagement with the job seeker that leads to establishing a relationship and filling a position. Which career page grabbed your attention and would most likely  compel  you to apply?  I look forward to your thoughts and congratulations to our the top 30 online career pages.  Job well done. Also listed here below are the top mobile sites.  While only a small number of employers are leveraging the power of mobile, this is a trend I see continuing.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

How a Street Team Can Help Promote Your Music

How a Street Team Can Help Promote Your Music How a Street Team Can Help Promote Your Music A road group is a gathering of fans that advance a collection or artist on a grassroots level. From a record mark or craftsman viewpoint, road groups offer a free advancement choice. For fans, chipping away at a road group allows them to get hands-on experience advancing their preferred music. For marks and specialists, road groups offer somewhat more than free work, be that as it may. Music fans have a validity with other music fans that no measure of publicizing or number of surveys can very match. Having enthusiasts of a collection or craftsman out in their networks informing other music fans regarding the amount they love a craftsmen new discharge is a fantastically important asset and one that can't be copied by some other procedure. What Does a Street Team Do? The work road groups do fluctuate yet can incorporate endeavors like passing out limited time stickers, putting banners up for appears and new discharges, and calling nearby radio broadcasts to demand melodies. There is additionally now a computerized part to road collaboration that incorporates sending email impacts and posting about the craftsman or new discharge in talk rooms and long range informal communication locales. Do You Need One Yet? This is an inquiry you have to pose to yourself dependent on where you are in your vocation. Do you have something to advance? In the event that you dont have another discharge out or if nothing else anticipated, it might be too soon to stress over a road group. Do you have enough cash to deliver the advertising materials that a road group would utilize and appropriate to advance you? Is your music cleaned enough to begin pushing for more extensive intrigue and a greater crowd? Building Your Team You dont must have a major record name to have a road group. In the event that youre a free craftsman, amassing your road group can be advantageous. Theres just so much you or your bandmates can handle on the work you need to do as specialists. Finding support with special endeavors lets loose you to concentrate on what you presumably love more than showcasing making music. A road group can assist you with getting the word out about you and your most recent discharge, and they can do it from a position of earnest love and valuation for what theyre advancing. Youll need to discover individuals you can trust and who need to support you. On the web Beginning with an online road group is a brilliant initial step. Its simpler to assemble a gathering of individuals through internet based life, for instance, who are eager to discuss you and suggest you. This will likewise allow you to evaluate limited time thoughts and procedures, and to get criticism from your group on whats mainstream and works. As you show signs of improvement at this, you can proceed onward to beginning a disconnected road group. Disconnected When assembling your disconnected road group, youll be best served to begin in a neighborhood you are famous. It will make discovering individuals who love your work and need to advance you simpler, and you wont be attempting to break into a fresh out of the plastic new market when youre as yet fabricating your special gifts. Assignments Regardless of whether youre chipping away at your online road group or your disconnected road group, save a rundown of undertakings for your groups to do. This is the place having the cash for special materials will become possibly the most important factor. Your road groups assignments can incorporate things like tweeting and re-tweeting on Twitter, sharing your YouTube recordings, posting flyers (they may even have the right stuff to assist you with making your flyers), calling radio shows to make demands for your music, carrying companions to your shows, and then some. What Do They Get in Return? In return for their work, road colleagues get restrictive product, show passes, and other extraordinary endowments. Obviously, they likewise get understanding. On the off chance that somebody is not kidding about getting into music advancement, having some road group experience can be a decent method to consider going all in, learning the procedure and systems of advancement starting from the earliest stage.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Grown Up Gigs recording with illustrator writer Summer Pierre is here (with genius gems a plenty) - When I Grow Up

Grown Up Gigs recording with artist author Summer Pierre is here (with virtuoso jewels by the drove) - When I Grow Up I cherished talking to Summer Pierre so much that, when the discussion was finished, I began the chronicle and listened once more. As a craftsman and author, she made me swoon when I read The Artist in the Office back in 10and at that point quickly prescribed it to everybody I know (and still do!). From that point forward, she released Great Gals: Inspired Ideas for Living a Kick-Ass Life has showed up in The Huffington Post, Hobart, Booth, Slice Magazine then a few. Generally this is the place I give you the lowdown on all that we talked about and the features of what she shared, yet she gave out such a large number of pieces of virtuoso I need to simply lay them all around here: Consistently that Im a craftsman artist, I contact the child that needed to do what Im doing. (Snap to tweet this jewel!) Whats one little thing that I can go towards to assist me with beginning amassing my fantasies?() Its the things you gather that gets it going. You cannot think little of that even one other individual can make things more real. When you have another person, youre a Conspiracy Group. Theres such opportunity in submitting. (Snap to tweet this diamond!) Your normal everyday employment impeding you living your fantasy is a confusion. Its really assisting you (with your fantasy) from multiple points of view. I began considering my activity My Benefactor in light of the fact that from various perspectives it permitted me to do exceptionally imaginative, non-attractive work. I feel emphatically about your life overall picture not simply your normal everyday employment and afterward after your normal everyday employment. (Snap to tweet this diamond!) What takes care of that rich side of you? What makes you extremely cheerful and comfortable? It isnt just the cash. Securing your optimal day position originates from asking, What am I attempting to help? (Snap to tweet this jewel!) Snail mail is as yet the most useful asset out there. Never belittle the intensity of a postcard. (Snap to tweet this jewel!) We talk about having a creative life, yet that is an inappropriate edge. What were really requesting to do is to be a piece of human expressions, which is not quite the same as being a craftsman. As a training, the way toward assembling something truly is much increasingly significant (than making it digital).The minute you see it in your grasp, its genuine. Get the motivation on the most proficient method to be a working, distributed creator and artist ( previous rocker!) by clicking Play underneath: Cant watch this for some reason? Click here to watch it on YouTube. Prefer a MP3 to tune in to? You can download it here. This denotes the finish of Grown Up Gigs 2013 can ya trust it? I began these meetings in January, and you can watch/tune in to em all right here. Im putting the last addresses what Grown Up Gigs will resemble in 2014, so join on that equivalent page on the off chance that you wanna be the first to know whats available. Think more scaled down data, different approaches to tune in/watch, and a superior method to discover the meetings thatre generally pertinent for you. (holding up a mug/bricklayer container of pens, which youll recognize what it implies on the off chance that you made it as far as possible of the meeting) Perks to Grown Up Gigs!

Sunday, July 5, 2020

22 things to do after work that will enrich your life

22 activities after work that will advance your life 22 activities after work that will advance your life It is safe to say that you are feeling somewhat deadened of late? It could be on the grounds that you've gotten into somewhat of a trench, particularly with regards to your after-work routine.Maybe you've made a propensity for making a beeline for your preferred party time spot after work, or maybe you've built up somewhat of a lemon on-the-lounge chair and-marathon watch-your-top choice Netflix-arrangement schedule. In some cases the most ideal approach to get yourself out of a funk is to blend things up a piece. Here's a rundown of thoughts to move you to break out of your post-work day routine.1. Go for a night walk Stretch your legs, get some natural air and appreciate the scenery.2. Peruse a book Begin on that stack that has been perched on your end table for a considerable length of time… OK months.3. Sit outside Get a glass of frosted tea and sit on your patio for some calm time and individuals watching.4. Go for a climb Get in some development and time in nature to enable you to loosen up after an occupied day.5. Visit a craftsmanship exhibition hall or display Take in some craftsmanship. Understand the world from with a better point of view and get inspired.6. Have companions over for supper It shouldn't be extravagant or convoluted. Only a private night of food, discussion and connection.7. Head to sleep early Make it an early night and appreciate it. Get comfortable in your most loved PJs, put on some loosening up music and thrive in bed.8. Go geocaching or letterboxing Searching for a little experience? Geocaching and letterboxing are fun approaches to investigate your neighborhood another way. Regardless of whether you go solo or with companions, it's certain to be a decent time.9. Take a class What have you been interested to learn? Perhaps there's a class you've been needing to take everlastingly however you've been putting it off. Join and grow your mind!10. Start an imaginative undertaking Has it been some time since you plunked down with your sketchbook or pulled out your camera? Take a few hours after work to plunge back in and get your innovative energies flowing!11. Get in some play time. Snatch a companion and head to the recreation center with a frisbee. Skip and play in the grass. Since grown-ups need to play as much as kids.12. Make supper for yourself. Get some new fixings on your route home from work, put on some music, and cook yourself a heavenly supper. Investigation with another formula and make a night of it.13. Take a yoga, pilates, or move class. Does setting off to the exercise center feel like drudgery? Locate a great class that will get your body going and your heart siphoning. It'll cause you to feel incredible too!14. Start a side interest. Pondering getting into cultivating, or carpentry, or welding? Start little, get your hands messy and go for it!15. Host a game night. Get along with loved ones for a great night of games or puzzles.16. Volunteer. Volunteer for a reason or association that is imperative to you. It's an incredible method to contribute and you'll like how you've spent your time.17. Go for a bicycle ride. Residue off the bicycle that has been sitting in the carport and take it for a turn. Investigate your neighborhood or a bicycle way in the recreation center and pass over some steam.18. Do some journaling. Pull out your diary or a journal and compose. What are you appreciative for? What are you stressed over? Put your contemplations on the page and unclog your brain.19. Have intercourse (or stroke off). Probably the most seasoned diversion in presence! We as a whole realize sex is characteristic and fun (expresses gratitude toward George Michael!). It's additionally a phenomenal method to de-stress.20. Have a discussion. Set aside a few minutes for genuine one-on-one association. Assemble or get with a companion and talk â€" and not about the climate. Open up and share what's truly going on in your lives.21. Compose a letter. That's right, a good old, written by hand letter. Enlighten somebody you're thinking regarding them or that they are so critical to you.22. Fix something or do a little DIY venture. Pick a venture that has been on your daily agenda for some time and begin on it. Make it fun â€" put on your preferred music and jam while you're working. You'll feel so fulfilled when you finish.Ready to break out of your after-work schedule? Take a stab at something you wouldn't ordinarily do. Shaking things up is useful for you!This article was initially posted on